Professional Experience
2023-Now: CNRS Research Director (Directeur de Recherche) in Section 19 (Climate) and 55 (Data Science) @ LSCE-CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
2020-Now: External Fellow @ LMD-ENS, Paris, France
2017-Now: External Fellow @ London Mathematical Laboratory, London, UK.
2015-2023: Researcher (Chargé de Recherce) in Section 19 (Climate) and 52 (Interdisciplinary Science) @ LSCE-CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
2014-2015: Research Fellow (CDD) in thermodynamics and dynamics of geophysical flows @LSCE - CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Advisor: Dr. Pascal Yiou.
2013-2014: Post-doctoral research in Theoretical and Experimental Turbulence @ CNRS URA 2464 / SPEC - CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Advisor: Dr. Berengere Dubrulle.
2013-2013: Post-doctoral Research In Fluid Dynamics and Dynamical Systems@ University of Hamburg - Klimacampus, Hamburg , Germany. Advisor: Prof. Valerio Lucarini.
2009-2010: Tutor for students in Atmospheric Physics and Meteorology @ Bologna University, Bologna, Italy.
2020: HDR (Habilitation à diriger les Recherches), Earth Sciences -Sciences de la Terre
UVSQ, St Quentin en Yvelines, France, November 2020
Thesis: Physique Statistique des Evenements Extremes Geophysiques. [Thesis PdF, Presentation Video]2013: PhD, Earth Sciences and Applied Mathematics
Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany Mention: 1.0/1.0 magna cum laude, January 2013
Thesis: Extreme Value Theory for geophysical flows. [.pdf] Supervisor: Prof. Valerio Lucarini.2010: Master of Science, Physics
Bologna University, Bologna, Italy Mention: 110/110 cum laude, July 2010
Thesis: Dynamical indicators of Stability in Non-Linear maps of low dimensionality. [.pdf] Supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Turchetti.2008: Bachelor Degree, Atmospheric Physics and Meteorology
Bologna University, Bologna, Italy Mention: 110/110 cum laude, July 2008
Thesis: Characterization of stable and radioactive atmospheric tracers at the GAW M.te Cimone Station [.pdf] Supervisor: Prof. Laura Tositti.
2018 European Geoscience Union Nonlinear Processes Division Outstanding Early Career Scientists Award.
2014 Distinguished citizen of the year of the town S.Agata Militello (Italy). Prize assigned under the patronage of the Ministry of Home affairs.
2014 Winner of the Outstanding Student Poster (OSP) Awards at the European Geophysical Union general assembly - section Nonlinear Processes in Geosciences. Vienna.
2013 Selected for participating in the 1st Heidelberg Laureate Forum: a one-week event combining scientific, social and outreach activities featuring the winners of the awards in Mathematics and Computer Science, the Abel Prize, the Fields Medal (including the Nevanlinna Prize), and the ACM Turing Award, September .
2012 Winner of a sponsorship within the HPC-Europa2: Pan-European Research Infrastructure for High Performance Computing which covered a two months visit to LadHyX (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France) to collaborate with the Dr. P. Manneville and an amount of 50.000 CPU hours to perform simulations on fluid dynamic systems on CINES-GENCI facilities located in Montpellier, France.
2024-Now Gisela Charo ((Postdoctoral Researcher) "Topological Approaches for Climate Data"
2024-Now Greta Cazzaniga (Postdoctoral Researcher) "Resilient Electric Systems to Climate Extremes"
2024-Now Ludyvine Bonhomme (Student) "Study of the impact of "dry" extreme events on energy systems in France under current and future climates using simulations and rare event scenarios."
2024-Now Adrien Burq (Student) "Study of the impact of "wet" extreme events on energy systems in France under current and future climates using simulations and rare event scenarios.
2024-Now Clara Naldesi (Student) "Impact of climate change on the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events and their combinations in France."
2022-Now: Pradeebane Vaittinada (Postdoctoral Researcher, co-supervision: Mathieu Vrac, Projet XAIDA) “Attirbution of tropical and Mediterranean cyclones to climate change".
2022-Now: Lucas Fery (PhD student, co-supervision: Berengere Dubrulle, These Numerics CEA) “Sobers simulations of convective atmospheric extreme events".
2022 Vivien Guette (Master Student, co-supervision: Robin Noyelle, Sylvie Charbit) "Dynamcial indicators for the jet dynamics".
2021-Now: Lia Rapella (M2 Student + PhD): "Evaluating the impacts of climate change on renewable energies".
2021-2024: Nemo Malhomme (PhD student, co-supervision: Berengere Podvin, Lionel Mathelin, These 80prime CNRS) “Machine Learning techniques for atmospheric convective events".
2021-2024: Mireia Ginesta Fernandez (PhD Student, co-supervision: Pascal Yiou, Project EDIPI) “Attribution of explosive extratropical cyclones to climate change”.
2021-2024: Robin Noyelle (PhD Student, co-supervision: Pascal Yiou): “Rare Events algorithms for climate sciences”.
2021-2023: Andreia Hisi (Postdoctoral Research, co-supervision: Mathieu Vrac): “Automatization techniques for attribution of climate extremes".
2021: Lucas Fery (étudiant M2- ENS Lyion, co-encadrement : Berengere Dubrulle): “Latent dirichlet Allocation for geophysical flows".
2021-2022: Akim Viennent (étudiant M2- ENS Paris, co-encadrement : Nikki Vercauteren FU Berlin): “Covariant Lyapunov vectors and dimensionality reduction methods for geophysical variables".
2021 : Robin Durand (étudiant M2-ENS, co-encadrement : Mathieu Vrac) : “Correction of atmospheric circulation biases in present and future climate simulations”.
2021 : Dongjeon Lee (étudiant L3, Ecole de Beaux Arts de Tours) : “ContacTerre : valoriser les sciences du climat à travers l’art”.
2020-2022: Vaishnavi Borse (Research Associate, co-encadrement : Soulivanh Thao, Pascal Yiou, M Vrac): “Machine learning methods for climate change”.
2020-2021: Tanguy Jonville (étudiant Polytechnique, co-encadrement : Nathalie de Noblet): “Methodological issues in attributing extreme heat events to afforestation and reforestation”.
2020-2021 : Flavio Pons (Chercheur post-doctoral, Chercheur postdoctoral, Projet BOREAS): “Dynamics of cold spells in climate change”.
2020 : Soren François (étudiant M2, Projet ClimarisQ): "Generator of extreme climatic events depending on the CO2 concentration”.
2020 : Clément Dehondt (Master de l'Ecole Centrale, co-encadrement : Sébastien Fromang): “Extreme energy transfers in tropical cyclones”.
2020 : Vincent de Menezes (étudiant M1): "Machine Learning Methods for non-stationary attractors”.
2019 : Adnane Hamid (étudiant M2, co-encadrement : V Gautard, S Thao, M Vrac, P Yiou): "Machine Learning Methods for Chaotic Attractors".
2017: Alix Goudyme (M2 co-supervision : B. Dubrulle SPEC-CEA Saclay): "Persistence of specific states of chaotic attractors".
2016: Guillaume Névo (M2 co-supervision : B. Dubrulle SPEC-CEA Saclay): "Early Warning signals in geophysical and financial problems"
2017: David Rodriguez (L3): "Assessing the dynamics of CMIP5 models via Dynamical Systems metrics".
2024: Master class in Dynamical Systems, M2 Geoscience, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris [10h]
2023: Master class in Dynamical Systems, M2 Geoscience, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris [10h]
2022: Master class in Approaches of dynamical systems to Geophysics, Master in Matematica, Scuola Normale di Pisa, Pisa, Italy [10h]
2022: Master class in Dynamical Systems, M2 Geoscience, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris [8h]
2021: Master class in Dynamical Systems, M2 Geoscience, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris [8h]
2021: Master Class in Statistical tools for climate Risk, M2 ECLAT, Université Paris Saclay, Saclay [5h]
2021: Master Class in Physics of Climate, CIRED, Master EEET, [3h]
2020: Marser Class in Dynamical Systems ,Master in Mathematics, FU Berlin [2h]
2019: Master Class in Dynamical Systems ,Master in Mathematics, FU Berlin [2h]
2018: Master Class in Physics of Climate, Master Athens, AGROPARISTECH, Paris [3h]
Current Insitutional Responsiblities
Group coordinator (Chef d'Equipe) ESTIMR (~30 members).
EGU Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, Deputy President.
Elected member of the OVSQ council.
Organiser of the bimestrial inter-laboratory seminars “Climate and Statistical Mechanics”, between the laboratories SPEC & LSCE at CEA Saclay, France.
Member of the Editorial board of the Journal Chaos AIP
Editor for Physica D
Member of the bureau of the Groupment de Recherche CNRS: "Défis Théoriques pour les Sciences du Climat"
2024: Gift Workshop @ EGU Vienne
2020-Now: Several interviews for the national and international press and television.
2020-Now: Parcours Science ASTS .
2020-2021: Responsible of the outreach project video Game ClimarisQ.
2019-2021: Author & Editor of the EGU – NP Blog.
2020: Participation in “Che cosa c’entra l’ecologia”, Genova, Palazzo Ducale, Italy.
2019: Participation in « Repubblica dei Terrestri » Naples, Italy.
Building-bricks design (LEGO).