Current Research Projects
Strategic Power Systems Development for the Future (PowerDev), funded by PEPR TASE, studies optimization methods and reliability/resilience engineering applied to large-scale electrical power systems. The project is led by CentraleSupélec at the University of Paris Saclay and is composed of a consortium of higher education institutions across France (CentraleSupelec, UVSQ, University Grenoble Alpes), as well as research organizations (Inria, CNRS). Within PowerDev I'm workpackage leader.
ANR TEMPLEX "Templex" is an innovative concept developed by an interdisciplinary team at an institute dedicated to studying climate and its impacts. Rooted in Henri Poincaré's pioneering work, it examines how the properties of dynamic systems depend on topology. Topological properties reveal fundamental mechanisms shaping the flow in state space—stretching, compressing, tearing, folding, and twisting—bridging dynamics and topology. Topological invariants help identify whether two dynamics are equivalent or if a specific model accurately represents the underlying dynamics of observed or simulated time series.
The COST Action FutureMed A transdisciplinary network to bridge climate science and impacts on society : will foster new climate change-related science and synergies serving as a transdisciplinary and integrative platform effectively connecting scientific knowledge on high-impact weather (HIW) events and climate change impacts with stakeholders from priority socio-economic sectors such as energy supply and demand, agriculture, health and migration. For the first time, an Action coordinates a platform where scientific communities, key stakeholders and citizens can interact for the ends of promoting climate change impacts awareness, establishing future research priorities, and building capacities based on knowledge exchange in a living lab. Within FutureMed I am coordinating the working group on Hazards and socio-economic impacts in weather and climate scales.
LEFE-MANU-INSU-CNRS "CROIRE" dynamical Indicators for Climate Change : CROIRE bridges statistical physics, statistics, dynamical systems theory, and climate science to study high-impact persistent weather events such as heatwaves, cold spells, and cyclones triggered by extremely zonal or blocking conditions in mid-latitudes.
ClimarisQ Project: Smartphone Android/IOS Game on climate extremes : ClimarisQ is a scientific mediation project that highlights the complexity of the climate system and the urgency of collective action to limit climate change. It is an app-game where players must make decisions to limit the frequency and impacts of extreme events. I am the Principal Investigator of ClimarisQ
H2020 Project “XAIDA" eXtreme events : Artificial Intelligence for Detection and Attribution: Fifteen European research institutes are joining forces with climate risk practitioners to better assess and predict the influence of climate change on extreme weather using novel artificial intelligence methods. Within XAIDA I am leader on Work Package on Convective Events.
H2020-ITN "EDIPI": European weather Extremes: DrIvers, Predictability and Impacts : EDIPI (european weather Extremes: DrIvers, Predictability and Impacts) is an international consortium of universities, research centres and private companies aiming to further our holistic understanding of temperature, precipitation (incl. drought) and surface wind extremes over Europe. I am the French responsible for the project and work-package leader.
ANR "SAMPRACE": Sampling Rare Climate Events : SAMPRACE means « Sampling Rare Climate Events ». It is a project funded by the French ANR. The goal of the project is to devise statistical physics and mathematical methods to simulate rare events like heatwaves or cold spells in an efficient way. This web page contains ongoing elements of the project. I am partner of this project.
Past Research Projects
MITI Project UNDERPIN: UNDERPIN aims at bridging experts in statistical physics, statistics, dynamical systems and climate sciences to study persistent, high-impact climate extremes such as heatwaves, cold-spells and slow-moving cyclones. These events may be conceptualized as arising from situations where the large-scale atmospheric flow in the midlatitudes is extremely zonal or blocked and meandering.
ANR T-ERC "BOREAS": Bridging dynamic and thermOdynamical REsponse of coldspells of Anthropogenic forcing using Statistical mechanics : BOREAS assesses how climate change modify the frequency and intensity of snowstorms affecting European large populated areas in winter time. Anthropogenic emissions are responsible for temperature increase. I am the Principal Investigator of BOREAS
ERA4CS "EUPHEME": Placing Extreme Weather Events in the Context of Climate Variability and Change : EUPHEME has three main objectives: 1) Develop state of the art methods for a range of timescales, and new techniques for evaluating their reliability, 2) Develop a scientific platform which hosts data, supports data processing and provides collaboration space for scientists using complementary methods and data sources. 3) Provide a user-oriented synthesis, disseminate consistent attribution assessments prototype attribution service website wide variety of stakeholders. I am the LSCE responsible of this project and WP3 co-leader.
LEFE-MANU-INSU-CNRS "DINCLIC" dynamical Indicators for Climate Change : The goal of DINCLIC is to determine the contributions of dynamics and thermodynamics patterns to rare events in conceptual atmospheric systems via the dynamical indicators (local dimensions, local stability). The applicability to real systems (reanalyses, observations, general circulation models, regional climate models) also will be assessed.